Are you looking for a companion on your journey?

Spiritual Direction
In spiritual direction, I help you to recognize, name, and respond to the presence and activity of the Divine in your life. I largely let you lead in what the topic and format of our session will be like. My basic assumption in spiritual direction is that the Divine One loves us and wants to be in relationship with us. Read more.
I offer one-on-one spiritual direction sessions in person in South Bend, Indiana, and Three Rivers, Michigan, and online on Zoom.

Stepping away from the activities of every day life can make way for refreshment, renewal, and reconnection with yourself and the Divine. Whether with a group of friends or ministry colleagues, retreating together is a great way to grow as a spiritual community. Read more.
Contact me with the where, when, and who of your retreat and we can craft an experience to meet your needs.

Marking Transitions
There are many transitions in life that don't have a tradition or ceremony to mark them. Whether an event that changes everything or something that happens slowly, spiritual direction can help name it and clarify what it means. Read more.
Let me help you identify what is ending and what may be beginning, and accompany you in the grieving, remembering, celebrating, and meaning making.

Lectio on Zoom
"Lectio Divina" is Latin for "sacred reading" and is the name of a specific way of prayerfully reading short sections of the Bible. Repetition and slowing down gives the space to listen to the Divine and open yourself to the Divine One's transforming work in your life. Read more.
On the last Monday of each month, I lead lectio divina on Zoom, 8-9pm ET. I guide each step of the process and you don't need to prepare or know what you're doing! (You will need to be able to connect on Zoom.) Sign up for reminders and updates.