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Spiritual Direction

An old iron cross about 12" tall sits on a dusty windowsill in from of a small octagonal window

Contact me if you are interested in starting spiritual direction or book online.

You're a very good listener, and that in itself was helpful. It's nice to be listened to and have one's experiences or feelings validated. I was really thankful for your perspective and for directing me towards new practices like Ignatian Contemplation. It was helpful that you framed prayer and Bible study/reading in a different way than I've been accustomed to.

-Amy L.

The ample pauses and invitations to think/pray were so helpful. I really benefited from doing this! I'm grateful.

-Bruce H.

Later in the day, I had some significant "ah-ha!" moments with the Holy Spirit that I don't believe would have been the same had we not met this morning. So grateful and so awestruck by the Lord!

-Kristina J.

Spiritual Direction Is...

a relationship where the "director" supports the "directee" in conversation and spiritual practices to discover, become open to, and remain open to what the Divine One has for them in life.


In plainer language, you talk to me about what is going on in your life and we spend time in conversation and prayer to recognize where and how the Devine is working and to explore ways of responding.


This may happen in a one-time meeting, a series of meetings over a specific time, or on-going meetings without an end date.

Spiritual Direction is Not...

one person directing the life of another; it is not therapy, counselling, or life coaching; and it is not a self-improvement program. 

(Some) Reasons for Meeting with a Spiritual Director

  • You are facing an important decision or want to discern something with the help of another person.

  • You are facing a change or transition.

  • You are involved in ministry and need to speak with someone outside your circles.

  • Your ministry has become more burdensome than life-giving.

  • You have experienced a loss.

  • You want to grow in prayer and love for others.

  • You are experiencing a new sense of the Divine in your life, or losing your old sense.

  • You want to speak with someone outside of your family, friend, and colleague networks.

  • You are feeling distance from the Divine One or want to feel closer.

  • You don't know why, but you somehow sense like it is something for you at this time in your life.

Getting Started

If you are interested in meeting with me, we'll find a time to meet each other and talk for up to 45 minutes. There's no charge for this initial meeting. By the end of our conversation, we should each have an idea of whether we are a good match to work with each other, and you can decide whether to move forward.

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