About Me
Are you looking for a companion on your journey?
My Story

Personal history
I grew up in Southern Ontario (Canada) in a close community of post-WWII Dutch immigrants. My large family worked an egg farm and was deeply invested in our church and Christian schools. From those roots, I ventured to university in Michigan (USA), France, and Nova Scotia (Canada), majoring in math and French. My work life was mostly in optometric and general office settings. I have been a "maker" throughout my life, generally working with fabric, yarn, and paper. I have been married for more than 20 years. Along the way, I've experienced a divorce, the deaths of close family members, cancer diagnosis and treatment, and coming out as queer.
Faith history
I grew up in the Christian Reformed tradition, with strong roots in Biblical studies and close community ties. I learned from my parents how to serve in a wide range of roles, from delivering meals to leading on church boards. I made my Profession of Faith when I was 18 and committed myself to Jesus. I had (and have) a lot to learn, and the Divine has been faithful to me. In middle age, I was surprised by a new experience and understanding of the Holy Spirit and have been growing in that relationship and experiencing the Divine's transforming grace ever since.
How I came to spiritual direction
After this transforming experience of the Holy Spirit, I started meeting with a spiritual director regularly. As I continued to meet with them, I realized that this was work that I was interested in doing. At the same time, I was practicing the skill and art of listening in spiritual friendships and learning how much I love to hear people's stories of seeking or encountering the Divine. My interest was confirmed by those who knew me so I entered a program of spiritual direction training.
What I am Not
I am trained in spiritual direction. I am not a pastor, minister, priest, guru, therapist, counsellor, psychologist, psychiatrist, or life coach. When any of these other professionals would help you better, I will encourage you to find one to meet with!
My Context
Acknowledgements and Work to Do
I was raised in Canada and have lived in the United States for most of my adult life. I want to acknowledge that I am deeply influenced by those cultures and Western thought--in particular, the importance of rationality and reason and emphasis on the individual. I work on balancing these values with attention to the wisdom available through our bodies and emotions, and our connection to each other...
My Approach
Invitation and Space
I believe the Holy Trinity invites us into new opportunities, new ways of being, and new understanding. The Holy One is Love and does not coerce or force. Jesus does not conscript us, but calls us to follow him. Holy Spirit will empower and equip us for transformation but not manipulate. Understanding the Divine's work in your life as invitation allows you to live in the freedom you have in Christ and to explore...
Economic Accessibility
Spiritual Direction developed within the church and since it was offered by priests, nuns, and pastors supported by the church, there was no fee for the service. Now that spiritual direction is being pursued as a profession, fees have become necessary. (I certainly can't afford to do this for free.)
In an effort to make my services accessible regardless of economic capacity, I allow people to pay what they can...
Qualifications and Professional Associations
Graduate Certificate in Spiritual Direction
In 2024, I completed two years of study in spiritual direction at the Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary. Besides study and training in spiritual direction, the program included courses in human development and spiritual formation, theology, ethics, and biblical studies.
Retreat Leader
I led small groups in spiritual practices for a number of years before starting to facilitate staff retreats and prayer retreats.
For personal accountability, I meet with my own spiritual director monthly and go on retreat periodically. I also am part of a church community.
For professional accountability, I meet with a spiritual supervisor who is specifically trained to oversee spiritual directors. I am a member of the Michiana Spiritual Directors Network, the mid-Michigan Spiritual Directors Network, and Spiritual Directors International. I abide by the SDI's Guidelines for Ethical Conduct.
Christina's spirit is calm, quiet, welcoming, and beautifully attentive. I was amazed at how those qualities appeared even through a Zoom meeting!
-Kristina J.
The 24 hour retreat was a respite I knew I needed but didn't think I was able to receive. It was a gift of God's grace. And I feel sure that your careful, sensitive, loving preparations and facilitation opened the space in which God's grace flowed. Thank you for sharing your gifts of leadership, prayer, and discernment with all of us. I look forward to the next retreat under your direction. Just know that if you're facilitating, I'm there!
-Julia L.
I can vouch for Christina’s retreat-leading skills! It was the best prayer retreat I’ve been on.
-Lisa O.