Marking Transitions

Contact me to talk about what is transitioning for you or book an introductory session online.
Endings and Beginnings
First communion, b'mitzvah, quinceanera, and graduations are all ways to mark milestones in a young person's life, but after school is done, we seldom recognize anything other than weddings and funerals. But there are so many more transitions that happen in our adult lives!
There are very clear transitions like a death of a loved one, a move, or changing your name, and there are more ambiguous transitions like moving to a different life stage, a change in a relationship, or an inner shift that's hard to name but very real.
It can help to have a companion in any stage of a transition. Perhaps you are anticipating a significant transition and want to approach it intentionally and spiritually. Perhaps you're in the middle of a transition and want to take time to get a better idea of where it's headed. Perhaps you've already made a transition but want to go deeper into what it means for you.
In spiritual direction, I can help you name what is transitioning--what is ending and what is beginning--and work with you in what can be a very fruitful time of new possibilities. We can work together to explore what the transition means to you and for you and then craft a ceremony or other meaningful act to mark, remember, and celebrate your transition.